Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"It's This One Thing That's Got Me Tripping".. Relationship Reality Check

Guru? Far from it. I'm no expert at anything, trust me.. And I damn sure don't have the answers on "how to gain a guy/girl in 10 days", BUT what I do know is that there's one itty bitty factor that most people tend to overlook, when trying to find the "perfect" person. Themselves. The biggest problem with people today is that their high standards, their want for someone who is perfect overall, doesn't quite match their own.. umm.. perfection? :-/. You know, the ladies who want a gentleman with his stuff together but lives a life that screams, "Ain't-Shit-Guys Only". Or, how about the guys who want, I guess, a Goddess -- classy/sexy/educated/independent/homemaker, etc-- but in reality.. he ain't shit. Hmmm. The bottom line, kiddos: you are who you attract. The things you hate most in those who you've dated, believe it or not, are a reflection of the person looking in the mirror *shocker*. You may be going over in your head all the qualities that you hated in your ex, saying to yourself that you couldn't possibly be like that miserable bitch or that good for nothing asshole. But guess what? that's just something called DENIAL and the truth of the matter is, to some extent you are like them. And this applies to not only romantic relationships but relationships in general. Always remember that what you point out in others as a flaw, or a deep dislike for, is something that lies in you as well (Truth's stinging you a little bit huh?).

Now is the time to really be aware. Who are your friends? Who are you surrounding yourself with most? What kinds of situations do you find yourself in? Who are these people that you date? How do those relationships end up? What are your other relationships like? Look around you. Look inside of you. The type of guys/girls that you meet will always be the same unless YOU change. So, there. That's the first step to attaining the relationship that you want. Change. All the things that you would like in a partner, you must first, become. You want to be in a honest, loving relationship? practice honesty and be love. You want a partner who's successful? Strive for your own successes. Exude the rarity that you seek, if the kind of love you dream, is like no other. BE the person that you would want to be with.

And that my friends, is the start to a relationship, fulfilled.


  1. You're a mind reader because I was definitely having this conversation with someone today and I admit that my standards might be to high :-/. This has opened my eyes BIG TIME!


  2. Amen my CG Sister! Amazing post and I learned something from this.
    Thank you
