Thursday, March 26, 2009

Men on The Downlow....Is It More Common Than We Thought???

Something has been really bugging my brain... Umm what's up with these men and there double or better yet triple lives? Men are becoming more down with the thought of sneaking around on their girlfriends with OTHER MEN! Oh gosh it just makes me shudder to think about it. Don't get me wrong i have no problem with gays or lesbians, to each it's own i have both gay and lesbian friends BUT i do have a problem with guys trying to portray themselves as straight when in all actuality they like other men also. They lie to us women and con us into thinking their all about women but their all about men too. This troubles me because these men are having intercourse with the guys without protection which TA DA may result in contracting HIV/ AIDS, this is not a good thing obviously because not only are they not conscience of their health, they go and have sex with their female counterparts WITHOUT condoms as well... I feel so bad for the things us ladies have to endure because now we not only have to worry about our man sleeping with another woman but him sleeping with another man as well. Some of you may be thinking no not my man but its a common thing ladies and no one should be overlooked just because you think you know them well... I worry about how far this trend will go and how we are not very open to the fact that this may be happening around us. I pray for our children growing up in this new generation and hope these types of things do not catch up to my friends and family members and most importantly my daughter. Remember ladies men are deceitful, they know how to manipulate us... Be weary and most importantly get tested and WRAP IT UP!!!!

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