Two Words to describe who i was and what i am. Two Words that i have tatted on my inner thigh. Two words that if you yourself have not been in a state of wonderment about who you are, what your purpose in life is and what direction you're headed, you would never understand. Two words that many have deemed a funny and weird phrase to ink on my body. Although i don't give a flying F*** what people think or their opinions i just feel like i should address this in some way. You cannot judge how someone acts, how someone dresses, how someone feels if you A) don't know them well enough and if B) you have NEVER been in their shoes. People pass judgement all of the time (myself included) but we have to stop and think maybe their is a reason why someone is the way that they are. Maybe thats how they express themselvesMakes sense?
A lot of people don't get me and that is fine with me. You don't have to. Just know that if you don't get me it's because you fail to understand me and therefore your views and opinions of me DO NOT matter. If this is the case whatever observations you may have of me can and most likely will backfire. if in fact you do know me and you do get where I'm coming from you don't need observations cause u know the person that i am. I have come to the conclusion that people look down upon, sneer, laugh, talk bad about things that they don't understand. This is the wrong solution. If you don't understand ask questions. Saves you from looking like a d***head. Saves you from being viewed a hater. Saves you from forming opinions based on assuming what you think is right.
Lost & Found is a phrase that perfectly defines me. If you have been there from day 1 (or most of the days) you can see a change in me. I've changed my style of dress, I've changed my appearance, I've changed my attitude (some what), most of all I've changed my frame of mind. I'm a lot happier than i was a few months ago. I LOST sight of myself. I didn't know who i was what path i was taking and how i was going to get there. I didn't know what in life could make me happy. But all i had to do was look into me. I had all the answers to all my questions, I just had to sit and listen to myself ( sounds crazy?). That is how i FOUND Lacey. That is how i learned who i was. That's how i developed who i am. "I lost sight of myself but i found me back"
Destinations (For Mr. Roy Bates)
3 years ago
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