Destinations (For Mr. Roy Bates)
3 years ago
Dark clouds tend to invade my world
It gets harder & harder to fight the demons inside.Not everything is perfectly pictured like some may think
Sinking deep in fear of never amounting to good so part of my struggles
or may convince themselves to believe
because in my own sorrows is where i truly sink
are within do you overcome that?
Its a constant battle i am never satisfied with this thing called
I yearn for love but it stifles me to reciprocate the same feelings
I fear being lonely but i want to be left alone
I would love to experience total bliss & live that thing called
happiness but my story seems to remain the same...sadness
Everyone experiences ups & downs but it seems as if my life is
about more downs than ups
its easier to count my blessings im sure but i love to take the harder
routeIt takes a strong person to fight battles, especially emotional ones, most importantly mental ones
but day by day i seem to deem myself weak and not capable of being a fighter
and day by day i continue to lose.