Thursday, May 28, 2009

Being Single Vs. Being In A Relationship

SO I've been single for quite a while now, the longest I've ever been single actually... 9 months and counting. No there's nothing wrong with me why i don't have a man in my life it's just my own feelings i have at the moment. Since I've been single 3 guys have tried to cuff me but I just don't want to jump into a relationship where I'm not 100% right about it. People ask me all the time do i like being single or do i miss having a boyfriend and honestly I'm 50/50 on the topic. I miss the comforting feeling of having someone to kiss, hug, hold, talk to about EVERYTHING. I miss having a partner, a best friend, i miss being someones girl. Then again i like being single because i have the freedom to do what i want, i can talk to a couple of guys at one time without being a cheater or without feeling guilty, i have more time for ME, Maddi and my friends, I'm having way more fun, and honestly I'm a little more stress free. I often ask a lot of my friends if they prefer being with someone versus being alone and frankly NO ONE likes the feeling of being lonely, especially me, so i guess that's why a lot of people just settle for being a jump off or settle for the emotionally challenged relationships instead of just taking time out to know who you are and what you want. I guess that's what I'm doing right now just sitting waiting for my time to come where i can say yea i was single and happy for a while but you know what I'm in a relationship and happier... ( cheesy but fck it i believe in fairy tales)

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