Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sticks And Stones May Break Bones...But Words Really Do Hurt Me

I'm sensitive. I'm emotional. I take things personal. I'm defensive. All of these characteristics about myself I hate but can't help. People are so quick to pass judgement (myself included) and at times its something that i can't handle. The worst for me is when someone i know has something to say about me or says hurtful things to me. Yea words are just words but when you confide in someone you don't expect it to come back to you in a way where it would hurt or damage your feelings. I have witnessed friends talking about friends, doing things that make you think "with friends like these who needs enemies". I myself have been a victim of someone taking the most touching subjects of my life and deliberately bring them up to hurt me. At that point you have to ask yourself is it worth it to stoop down to their level and say something just as mean and hurtful maybe even turning it up a notch or should you just ignore and let them look like a heartless asshole for even bringing themselves to act that way. I am learning to form a tough skin but there are times when things can be so overwhelming and one person can say the wrong thing and everything just tumble down and you break. I haven't reached my breaking point yet and i hope to never reach there. But i would like for people to bare in mind: be careful what you say, be careful how you act towards another because you never know what single statement or mean act can push that person to do. Too many times have we witnessed people on the news being out casted or treated wrongly snap and either harm themselves or harm others. So lets start helping to bring eachother up and stop breaking people down. There's so much progress that can be made if we all try and work together to make them happen.

1 comment:

  1. It's okay to be sensitive. Its okay to hurt. Its okay to cry. Its okay to be emotional. You are who you are and that's what makes you; YOU!!! Everyone has regrets and everyone lives to tell a story. You are a STRONG black women with a good head on your shoulders. And if you ever need to escape from life, turn your blackberry off for a day, its okay to do so. It just allows you to love yourself even more. Try it; it works. But when all else fails; nobody can love and appreciate you, more than urself. Love ya Lace :-)
