Imagine going 23 years without seeing someone you were meant to see. Imagine 23 years of a big chunk of your life missing that important piece. 23 years ago my father was murdered and nothing can and will replace who he was supposed to be to me. He left behind family, friends. and most importantly Lacey. He has a beautiful granddaughter that he will never get to meet, a life of mine that he will never know. Pictures may mean 1000 words but pictures cannot replace an actual being. I once said I am not bitter about anything. I lied.The one thing that i am bitter about, that I've always been bitter about is the absence of the person who's presence may have mattered most in my life. He never got a chance to love me the way a father is supposed to love his little girl. I never got a chance to love him the way that i know a daughter is supposed to love her daddy... I don't want to make anyone cry most of all i don't want to be sad, i just want to pay homage to my dad.
There's a lot of things people should appreciate and one of them is life. Whatever opportunities you may have available to you be grateful and take advantage. Don't wait till its missing for you to realize that you want it. Sometimes you only get one shot.
R.I.P Lance Watts 7/10/1963-4/5/1987
Destinations (For Mr. Roy Bates)
3 years ago